Smithsonian Global

Tom Plummer

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Long-Term Research
Science & Conservation


Human Origins Program: Research in Kanjera, Kenya   Active

The Smithsonian’s Human Origins Project conducts field and lab research on the evolution of early human adaptations. Our key research partners are in East Africa and East Asia – especially in Kenya, China, and Indonesia. Our digs and studies in these regions, along with investigations by associates working in Ethiopia, Tanzania, India, Mozambique, among other countries, help generate scientific data on the long-term interaction of human ancestors with their surroundings. The site of Kanjera occurs on the Homa Peninsula of western Kenya.

Human Origins Program: Research in Kanam, Kenya   Active

The Smithsonian’s Human Origins Project conducts field and lab research on the evolution of early human adaptations. Our key research partners are in East Africa and East Asia – especially in Kenya, China, and Indonesia. Our digs and studies in these regions, along with investigations by associates working in Ethiopia, Tanzania, India, Mozambique, among other countries, help generate scientific data on the long-term interaction of human ancestors with their surroundings.