LOCATION(S): Saudi Arabia
Topics: Ecosystems

SERC scientist Candy Feller is monitoring and studying mangrove ecosystems around the world. Her research examines how excess nutrients and fertilization affect mangroves and the herbivorous animals that live in mangrove ecosystems. By studying mangrove ecosystems at temperate and tropical sites along the same latitudes around the world, Dr. Feller and her team are able to monitor the effects of climate change on those ecosystems. Dr. Feller has fertilization experiments set up at 22 sites in the U.S., Belize, Panama Australia, New Zealand, and Saudi Arabia, where she was recently invited to the King Abdullah University of Science and Technology (KAUST) to work with colleagues from the University of Utrecht. She has also studied mangroves in Baja California, Brazil, the Sundarbans of Bangladesh, and the coast of the Gulf of Mexico. Additional studies of mangrove ecosystems (funded in part by grants from the National Science Foundation and NASA) located at low- and high-tide ranges along waterways model the potential future effects of climate change and rising sea levels.