Timothy Rhue II
Former Explainers Program Manager, Smithsonian National Air and Space Museum
Timothy Rhue II was an Explainers Program Manager at the Smithsonian National Air and Space Museum’s National Mall Building and the Communications Chair for EdCom, the American Alliance of Museums’ Committee on Education. Tim has worked with a variety of audiences in science education over the past decade in both formal and informal education settings, including Baltimore City Public High Schools, the Wisconsin Historical Museum, and the Woodrow Wilson House. He began working with the National Air and Space Museum in 2011. After completing his Baccalaureate degree at Johns Hopkins University, Tim earned a Master of Arts in Teaching in Secondary Science Education from Johns Hopkins University and a Master of Arts in Teaching in Museum Education from George Washington University.
At the Smithsonian, Tim developed programming for a variety of visitors in addition to managing a group of 50-60 high school and college students. These Explainers learn science content, informal education delivery methods, and professionalism all while engaging hundreds of thousands of visitors a year, including the visiting students in the Al-Nayzak Science and Technology Entrepreneurship Program.